Thursday, January 23, 2014

End Titles

So far I have not made much progress when it comes snowboarding, there is a number of reasons for that, one it costs money,two I don't find myself to be very passionate when it comes to snowboarding and three the battery we ordered STILL has not yet come. Although I do very much enjoy snowboarding behind a snowmobile, (more so than downhill). I do wish to continue with that style of snowboarding in the future but unfortunatly downhill is not my thing. I regret to inform you, my loyal followers, that this project is coming to a close, but WAIT!!! OH YES I may still continue this project purely because of my passion for Longboarding. So yes this may not yet be the last of me, I hope you all enjoyed this and maybe learned a thing or two, ok Auf Wiedersehen!

I defiantly need more work

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Just a quick update

Hi guys, I'm sorry that I havent done any recent updates, things have been buisy for me lately. Good News! Im getting a new battery put into our families snowmobile so that I can snowboard more often (plus I think its a bit more fun than downhill). Im planning on putting that video I mention earlyer up on  my blog sometime this week, and in the mean time I await that battery.